The Harlem Ambassadors are teaming up with Team Fox, the event marketing arm of the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research and presenting a fundraising event in our home base community of Fort Collins, Colorado. The event will take place on Thursday, April 21, 2011 at 7:00 pm at Fossil Ridge High School gym.
The Ambassadors will feature our basketball show with high-flying slam dunks, ballhandling tricks, and hilarious comedy routines. The "Team Fox" challenging opposition will be an All Star team of local basketball, sports, and media personalities. While we have held events in recent years in the neighboring communities of Loveland and Greeley, this is the first true "home" game we've played in at least ten years.
So why now and why the Michael J. Fox Foundation? Because now we have the staff to self-promote our own event and we are partnering with Team Fox because of my personal interest in the cause. You see three months ago I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease (PD).
Up to now, I've only told family, business associates, employees, and a few close friends. What has amazed me is the fact that nearly everyone that I have told about my PD has mentioned Michael J. Fox. By putting himself out there, Michael J. Fox has become the face associated with Parkinson's. And he's raised more than $205 million for PD research.
Because I've only told a few people, I have found myself in situations where some people knew and others didn't. I don't like that dynamic. Sitting at a table with family members last week at my niece Mashanda's wedding, I realized that questions my daughters wanted to ask were being squelched because of their desire to protect my privacy. My symptoms are mild (just some tremors), but noticeable, so what's there to hide anyway?
When my niece Sarah learned of my PD she sent me a very positive message and noted that "something tells me you'll be inspiring even more people than you already do!" In order to do that, I need to put myself out there in a courageous way similar to what Michael J. Fox has done ... so here goes.
You'll definitely being hearing more about our fundraising event on April 21, 2010 and ways that you can participate in supporting this endeavor. I can hardly wait!